GBR Sketchers Club

It all started on a sunny day in October.  A weekly exercise led by Gabe Romero, the GBR Sketchers have been out sharpening their skills in seeing and communicating architecture through freehand sketching. While we all love to use the latest 3d software and gee-whiz techniques to illustrate and animate our design presentations, there is no replacement for putting an HB pencil to paper. (Ok, for some it’s putting an Apple Pencil to iPad, but the judges have ruled and determined that does not qualify as cheating).


Old Town Alexandria is full of great buildings and there are many opportunities within a short walk of the office for an afternoon sketch break – especially on pleasant Fall day. As of today though, we officially have a dedicated group. After the first snow and slush storm of the winter season, the sketchers went out and worked on their craft.  Well done!


The weekly sketches are being posted in an album on our Facebook page and you can see them here:  GBR Facebook Album